Tea for all is an online tea company that was established in 1992. It began in a small town just outside Sydney and has now expanded globally. The success has been tremendous. Many people of this generation have embraced tea and really begun to feel its benefits.

Tea is a natural substance which has many great health benefits. Many people are converting from the usual coffee which is starting to affect their health. People are realising that tea can taste just as good, if not better, than coffee and are now opting for this healthier option. At tea for all we aim to convert all the loyal coffee drinkers to tea for the good of everyone.

How to brew tea

Every person will have their own unique way that they like their tea. There is not one strict way to make tea but there are a few guidelines:
-- When using loose leafs, the less tea you use the better. If you put too much tea in it will begin to taste bitter.
-- Be sure to check the required boiling temperature for the tea you are going to brew. The higher quality teas may only require water at a temperature of 80 degrees.
-- Do not brew your tea for too long otherwise it will begin to have a bitter taste. Generally 1 - 4 minutes is sufficient. Never leave green teas for more than 3 minutes. White teas may take up to 10 minutes for the optimum flavour to come through. Herbal teas and the Rooibos range can be brewed for as long as you wish
-- Cold milk is only usually used in black teas. Never put milk in herbal teas or green teas as it can mask the flavour.
-- Honey is very yummy as a sweetener for tea as well as the regular sugar. For something different try brown sugar in black tea as opposed to white sugar.

Types of tea

Green tea - unfermented tea that usually comes from china or Japan. Packed with antioxidants and high in vitamins C, E and fluoride. Low in caffeine.
White tea - has a light, sweet taste. The highest quality tea that is purchasable. Very low in caffeine (even less than greens.) Has very little processing so it is also very high in antioxidants.
Black tea - high in caffeine. Good substitute for coffee. There are many varieties of black tea that can have flavours from citrus fruits to flowers to sweet chocolate.
Herbal tea - the most remedial of all the types of teas. Contains no actual tea leaves (just the ingredients prepared in the same way as tea leaves) so there is no caffeine at all. Good for bedtime. Common with floral varieties.
Chai tea - a very well known Indian blend which is sweet yet spicy. Perfect when brewed with milk and honey. This is the tea version of a latte or hot chocolate.
Rooibos tea - this type of tea comes from South Africa and is caffeine free. It has a very unique taste and aroma. Perfect without milk.